Case Report

A Case with Incontinentia Pigmenti and Laser Photocoagulation Treatment

  • Kemran Gök
  • Tuğrul Altan
  • Umut Akbaş
  • Nursel Ünsal
  • Ziya Kapran

Turk J Ophthalmol 2009;39(1):56-59

We were determined an optic atrophy in right eye and ischemic areas and superotemporal neovacularization of the left eye at the result of the eye examination in a 9 year-old girl patient who referred with diagnosis of incontinentia pigmenti(IP) to the our eye clinic. Two seance laser photocoagulation was applied to the ischemic areas and neovascularization lesions according to results of fundus fluorescein angiography(FFA). In fundus fluorescein angiography that was taken as a results of treatment were seen minimal leakage and regression in neovascularization.

Keywords: Incontinentia pigmenti, laser photocoagulation