Açık açılı glokom/Open-angle glaucoma | 139 |
Adalimumab/Adalimumab | 351 |
Aflibercept/Aflibercept | 161 |
Ahlak felsefesi/Moral philosophy | 301 |
Ahmed glokom valv/Ahmed glaucoma valve | 19 |
Ailesel yatkınlık/Familial predisposition | 246 |
Akomodatif ezotropya/Accommodative esotropia | 123 |
Akut miyeloid lösemi/Acute myeloid leukemia | 114 |
Alerjik keratokonjonktivit/Allergic keratoconjunctivitis | 45 |
Alerjik konjonktivit/Allergic conjunctivitis | 45 |
Ambliyopi/Amblyopia | 199 |
Ambliyopi/Opia | 398 |
Anatomik varyasyon/Anatomical variation | 407 |
Anket/Survey | 250, 269, 373 |
Anti-nötrofil sitoplazmik antikorlar/Anti-neutrophil | |
cytoplasmic antibodies | 127 |
Anti-VEGF/Anti-VEGF | 32, 38, 161, 326, 373 |
Antioksidanlar/Antioxidants | 344 |
Apocynin/Apocynin | 344 |
Ardışık cerrahi/Sequential surgery | 1 |
Arka orbitopati/Posterior orbitopathy | 181 |
Atopik keratokonjonktivit/Atopic keratoconjunctivitis | 45 |
Az görme/Low vision | 83, 146 |
Bakım kalitesi/Quality of care | 250 |
Bant şeklindeki kehribar renkli sferüller/Band-shaped | |
amber-colored spherules | 246 |
Bazal hücreli karsinom/Basal cell carcinoma | 118 |
Behçet üveiti/Behçet uveitis | 206, 358 |
Best vitelliform maküla distrofisi/Best vitelliform macular | |
dystrophy | 188 |
Bikanaliküler silikon tüp/Bicanalicular silicone tube | 212 |
Bilgelik/Wisdom | 301 |
Bilim felsefesi/Philosophy of science | 301 |
Biyomekanik/Biomechanics | 257 |
Blefarit/Blepharitis | 89 |
Blefarokonjonktivit/Blepharoconjunctivitis | 89 |
Bor/Boron | 344 |
Cerrahi hatalar/Surgical errors | 288 |
Chrysomya bezziana/Chrysomya bezziana | 62 |
Churg-Strauss sendromu/Churg-Strauss syndrome | 127 |
Cloquet kanalı/Cloquet’s canal | 407 |
Coğrafik atrofi/Geographic atrophy | 169 |
COVID-19 kaygısı/COVID-19 anxiety | 250 |
COVID-19 pandemisi/COVID-19 pandemic | 269 |
COVID-19/COVID-19 | 95, 231, 252 |
Dejeneratif miyopi/Degenerative myopia | 184 |
Deksametazon/Dexamethasone | 365 |
Depresyon/Depression | 358 |
Dış retina hasarı/Outer retinal defects | 131 |
Diplopi/Diplopia | 19 |
DMEK/DMEK | 381 |
Doku plazminojen aktivatörü/Tissue-plasminogen activator | 38 |
Down sendromu/Down syndrome | 199 |
Eales hastalığı/Eales’ disease | 102 |
Eksternal dakriyosistorinostomi/External | |
dacryocystorhinostomy | 212 |
Ekzenterasyon/Exenteration | 62 |
Emetropizasyon/Emmetropization | 199 |
Endoftalmi/Endophthalmitis | 177 |
Endojen endoftalmi/Endogenous endophthalmitis | 177 |
Ensefalokraniyokutanöz lipomatozis/Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis | 66 |
Epidermal nevüs sendromu/Epidermal nevus syndrome | 243 |
Epidermal nevüs/Epidermal nevus | 243 |
Epiretinal membran/Epiretinal membrane | 288 |
ERG/ERG | 151 |
Eş zamanlı bilateral cerrahi/Sequential bilateral surgery | 225 |
Etmoid sinüs/Ethmoid sinus | 308 |
Fakoemülsifikasyon ve göz içi lens yerleştirilmesi/ | |
Phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation | 1 |
Fakoemülsifikasyon/Phacoemulsification | 8 |
Felsefe/Philosophy | 301 |
Fiksasyon/Fixation | 151 |
Fotik retinopati/Photic retinopathy | 131 |
Fundus otofloresans/Fundus autofluorescence | 169 |
Genetik/Genetics | 107 |
Glabellar flep/Glabellar flap | 118 |
Glokom drenaj cerrahisi/Glaucoma drainage surgery | 192 |
Glokom/Glaucoma | 27, 365 |
Görme azlığı epidemiyolojisi/Epidemiology of visual | |
impairment | 146 |
Görme azlığı/Visual impairment | 146 |
Görme bozukluğu/Visual impairment | 199 |
Görme ile ilişkili yaşam kalitesi/Vision-related quality | |
of life | 358 |
Görme kaybı/Vision loss | 181 |
Göz hekimi/Ophthalmologist | 95 |
Göz hekimliği/Ophthalmology | 301 |
Göz içi forseps/Intraocular forceps | 288 |
Göz kapağı/Eyelid | 243 |
Göz küresi dislokasyonu/Globe dislocation | 308 |
Göz/Eye | 317 |
Graft versus host hastalığı/Graft-versus-host disease | 134 |
Güneş retinopatisi/Solar retinopathy | 131 |
Hemi-DMEK/Hemi-DMEK | 381 |
HIV/HIV | 412, 414 |
Hipertansiyon/Hypertension | 403 |
Hipertrigliseridemi/Hypertriglyceridemia | 313 |
Humör aköz kaçağı/Aqueous humor leakage | 55 |
İmmünomodülatör tedavi/Immunomodulatory therapy | 231 |
İmmünosupresif tedavi/Immunosuppressive therapy | 351 |
İmmünosupresif/Immunosuppressive | 231 |
İn vivo konfokal mikroskopi/In vivo confocal | |
microscopy | 114, 246 |
İnovasyon/Innovations | 252 |
İntraoküler enflamasyon/Intraocular inflammation | 32 |
İntravitreal enjeksiyonlar/Intravitreal injections | 373 |
İntravitreal/Intravitreal | 365 |
Karşılaştırmalı çalışma/Comparative study | 199 |
Katarakt anketi/Cataract survey | 8 |
Katarakt cerrahisi/Cataract surgery | 139 |
Katarakt/Cataract | 282 |
Kaygı bozukluğu/Anxiety disorder | 358 |
Kaygı/Anxiety | 95 |
Kendine zarar verme davranışı/Self-injurious behavior | 58 |
Kendine zarar verme/Self-injury | 58 |
Keratokonus/Keratoconus | 75, 257, 334, 336 |
Kişisel koruyucu ekipman kullanımı/Personal protective | |
equipment use | 250 |
Klinik oftalmoloji/Clinical ophthalmology | 252 |
Kombine cerrahi/Combined surgery | 1 |
Komplikasyon/Complication | 351 |
Konjenital katarakt/Congenital cataract | 107, 407 |
Konjonktiva/Conjunctiva | 317 |
Kontakt blefarokonjonktivit/Contact blepharoconjunctivitis | 45 |
Koristom/Choristoma | 66 |
Kornea nakli/Corneal transplantation | 381 |
Kornea perforasyonu/Corneal perforation | 55 |
Kornea ve konjonktivanın sferoidal dejenerasyonu/ Spheroidal | |
degeneration of the cornea and conjunctiva | 246 |
Kornea/Cornea | 265, 334 |
Korneal mikrokistler/Corneal microcysts | 114 |
Koroid kanaması/Choroid hemorrhage | 294 |
Koroid/Choroid | 294 |
Körlük/Blindness | 146, 282 |
Kristalin/Crystallin | 107 |
Kuarter-DMEK/Quarter-DMEK | 381 |
Kurtçuklar/Maggots | 62 |
Kuru göz hastalığı/Dry eye disease | 338 |
Kuru göz/Dry eye | 70, 134 |
Lameller yama grefti/Lamellar patch graft | 192 |
Lenfoma/Lymphoma | 317 |
Lens/Lens | 107, 344 |
Lineer verrüköz epidermal nevüs/Linear verrucous epidermal | |
nevus | 243 |
Lipemia retinalis/Lipemia retinalis | 313, 412, 414 |
Lipofusin/Lipofuscin | 169 |
Loteprednol etabonat/Loteprednol etabonate | 114 |
Madde kötüye kullanımı/Substance abuse | 58 |
Maküla deliği/Macular hole | 288 |
Maküla/Macula | 218 |
Maküler fonksiyon/Macular function | 151 |
Maküler ödem/Macular edema | 365 |
Medyal kantus/Medial canthus | 118 |
Meibografi/Meibography | 89 |
Meibom bezleri/Meibomian glands | 70 |
Metisiline dirençli Staphylococcus aureus/Methicillin-resistant | |
Staphylococcus aureus | 177 |
Mikrobiyoloji/Microbiology | 212 |
Mikroinsizyonel glokom cerrahisi/Microincisional glaucoma | |
surgery | 139 |
Miyelinize retinal sinir lifi/Myelinated retinal nerve fibers | 398 |
Miyopi/Myopia | 27 |
Miyopik maküla deliği/Myopic macular hole | 184 |
Mohs cerrahisi/Mohs surgery | 118 |
Multifokal elektroretinografi/Multifocal electroretinography | 123 |
Mutilasyon/Self-mutilation | 58 |
Myrtus communis/Myrtus communis | 344 |
Nazolakrimal kanal tıkanıklığı/Nasolacrimal duct obstruction | 212 |
NEI VFQ-25/NEI VFQ-25 | 83 |
Nekrotizan fasyitis/Necrotizing fasciitis | 181 |
Neovasküler membran/Neovascular membrane | 326 |
Neovasküler yaşa bağlı maküla dejeneresansı/Neovascular | |
age-related macular degeneration | 161 |
Nevüs psiloliparus/Nevus psiloliparus | 66 |
Non-enfeksiyöz üveit/Non-infectious uveitis | 206, 231 |
Obezite/Obesity | 344 |
Oftalmoloji klinik pratiği/Ophthalmology clinical practice | 269 |
Oksidatif stres/Oxidative stress | 75, 336 |
Oküler alerji/Ocular allergy | 45 |
Oküler rozasea/Ocular rosacea | 338 |
Oküler skarlı pemfigoid/Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid | 338 |
Oküler yüzey hastalığı/Ocular surface disease | 338 |
Open-sky (açık gökyüzü) katarakt ekstraksiyonu/Open-sky | |
cataract extraction | 1 |
Optik disk piti/Optic disc pit | 123 |
| |
Optik koherens tomografi anjiyografi/Optical coherence | |
tomography angiography | 188, 317, 326 |
Optik koherens tomografi/Optical coherence | |
tomography | 75, 123, 218, 317, 336 |
ORA/ORA | 257 |
Orbita kisti/Orbital cyst | 66 |
Orbita miyazisi/Orbital myiasis | 62 |
Orbital sellülit/Cellulitis | 181 |
Orbital travma/Orbital trauma | 308 |
Ödipizm/Oedipism | 58 |
Ön segment-optik koherens tomografi/Anterior segment | |
optical coherence tomography | 265 |
Palitoksin/Palytoxin | 393 |
Pandemi/Pandemic | 95 |
Parasantral akut orta makulopati/Paracentral acute middle | |
maculopathy | 403 |
Pars plana vitrektomi/Pars plana vitrectomy | 218 |
Patern ERG/Pattern ERG | 151 |
Pediatrik/Pediatric | 134 |
Penetran keratoplasti/Penetrating keratoplasty | 1 |
Persistan fetal damar sendromu/Persistent fetal vasculature | 407 |
Persistan hiperplastik primer vitreus/Persistent hyperplastic | |
primary vitreous | 407 |
POAM/PAMM | 403 |
Prematüre bebek/Premature infant | 412, 414 |
Prematüre retinopatisi/Retinopathy of prematurity | 225, 313 |
Prevelans/Prevalence | 282 |
Prognostik faktörler/Prognostic factors | 398 |
Progresyon/Progression | 257 |
Proliferatif diyabetik retinopati/Proliferative diabetic | |
retinopathy | 282 |
Psikotik belirtiler/Ppsychotic symptoms | 58 |
Psödoeksfoliyasyon sendromu/Pseudoexfoliation syndrome | 156 |
Refraksiyon kusuru/Refractive errors | 199 |
Refraktif katarakt cerrahisi/Refractive cataract surgery | 8 |
Retina biyopsisi/Retinal biopsy | 317 |
Retina sinir lifi tabakası/Retinal nerve fiber layer | 27 |
Retina tabaka kalınlığı/Retinal layer thickness | 75 |
Retina tabakası kalınlığı/Retinal layer thickness | 336 |
Retina uzmanları/Retina specialists | 373 |
Retina/Retina | 169, 317, 334 |
Retinitis pigmentosa/Retinitis pigmentosa | 282 |
Rozasea/Rosacea | 338 |
Santral retinal arter tıkanıklığı/Central retinal artery | |
occlusion | 127, 181 |
SARS-CoV-2/SARS-CoV-2 | 231 |
Schirmer testi/Schirmer test | 134 |
Serebrovasküler olay/Cerebrovascular event | 403 |
Serpijinöz koroidit/Serpiginous choroiditis | 326 |
Siklosporin-A/Cyclosporine-A | 134 |
Silikon yağı/Silicone oil | 218 |
Sitarabin/Cytarabine | 114 |
Sitarabine bağlı kornea toksisitesi/Cytarabine-induced corneal | |
toxicity | 114 |
Skleral doku kaybı/Scleral tissue loss | 192 |
Sosyodemografik/Sociodemographic | 206 |
Spontan kapanma/Spontaneous closure | 184 |
Straatsma sendromu/Straatsma syndrome | 398 |
Submaküler hemoraji/Submacular hemorrhage | 38 |
Suprakoroidal boşluk/Suprachoroidal space | 294 |
Şaşılık/Strabismus | 19, 151 |
Tedavi/Treatment | 181 |
Tek sütür mini keratoplasti/One-bite mini-keratoplasty | 55 |
Tek sütür/Single suturing | 55 |
Tip 1 neovaskülarizasyon/Type 1 neovascularization | 188 |
Tocilizumab/Tocilizumab | 351 |
Toksik keratokonjonktivit/Toxic keratoconjunctivitis | 393 |
Tomografi/Tomography | 257 |
Topikal steroid/Topical steroid | 32 |
Topografi/Topography | 257 |
Traksiyonel retina dekolmanı/Tractional retinal detachment | 102 |
Travma/Trauma | 265 |
Umblikal kord serum göz damlası/Umbilical cord serum eye | |
drops | 393 |
UV radyasyon/UV radiation | 131 |
Üveit/Uveitis | 206, 351 |
Vernal keratokonjonktivit/Vernal keratoconjunctivitis | 45 |
Vestibüler fonksiyon testleri/Vestibular function tests | 156 |
Vestibüler hastalıklar/Vestibular diseases | 156 |
Vestibüler uyarılmış kas potansiyelleri/Vestibular evoked | |
myogenic potentials | 156 |
Vitiligo/Vitiligo | 70 |
Vitrektomi/Vitrectomy | 102, 177, 225, 288, 3294 |
Vitreus hemorajisi/Vitreous hemorrhage | 102 |
Vitritis/Vitritis | 32 |
XEN 45 Jel Stent/XEN 45 Gel Stent | 139 |
Yabancı cisim/Foreign body | 265 |
Yaşa bağlı maküla dejenerasyonu/Age-related macular | |
degeneration | 38 |
Yaşa bağlı maküla dejeneresansı/Age-related macular | |
degeneration | 169 |
Yaşam kalitesi/Quality of life | 83 |
Yeni nesil dizileme/Next-generation sequencing | 107 |
Yenidoğan/Newborn | 313 |
Yırtıklı retina dekolmanı/Rhegmatogenous retinal | |
detachment | 218 |
Yoğun atımlı ışık tedavisi/Intense pulsed light treatment | 89 |
Yüksek çözünürlüklü ön segment optik koherens tomografi/High-resolution anterior segment optical coherence |
tomography | 393 |
Yüksek irtifa retinopatisi/Altitudinal retinopathy | 131 |
Zoanthid/Zoanthid | 393 |
Zor olgularda DMEK/DMEK in complicated cases | 381 |